preparing your proposal
The INW25 Conference / International Week’s main topic is Networking in Education focusing on the Human-centred education, social justice and diversity in the AI era. Regarding lectures or seminars, the list of possible subtopics that will be discussed at the Conference can be related to the following fields:
- Management of Educational Organisations
Visual Arts and Artistic Technologies
Natural Sciences, Maths and Educational Technologies
Sport and Physical Education
Pre-school and Primary Education
Special Education and Sign Language
Music Education and Drama
Teacher and Educator Training
Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures
History and Cultural Heritage Management
Education and Social Intervention
Social Psychology and Educational Psychology
Sociology of Education
Proposals from teachers and researchers involved in Education, including teaching staff and non-teaching staff from Erasmus+ partner institutions are welcome.
submission guidelines
Proposals could be (a) posters, (b) lectures, workshops or short duration language course, or (c) self-organized symposia (4 papers).
Proposals can be written in English, French, Galician, Portuguese or Spanish.
For posters, lectures, workshops or a short duration language course, submit a title with max 12 words and an abstract with max 250 words.
For self-organized symposia (4 papers), submit a title for the symposium with max 12 words, the abstract for the symposium with max 250 words, and the 4 abstracts for the papers, with max 250 words each. Please, also attach a file with the name of the symposium coordinator and with the authors of each paper.
Proposals will be submitted to appreciation of two anonymous reviewers.
important dates
Proposals must be submitted until February 13, 2025.
Notification of acceptance / non-acceptance of proposals will be sent no later than March 7, 2025.
how to submit
Submit your proposal here:
The Microsoft CMT service is used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service is provided for free by Microsoft and they bear all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.
Meeting Proceedings
Within the scope of INW’25, a special issue of journal Sensos-e will be prepared to publish texts resulting from presented papers. Interested parties may submit article proposals through this platform. They should contain the event’s identification in their title as follows: “[INW’25] Title”.
Proposal submission deadline: to be announced
Predicted issue date: first trimester of 2026
For further information, contact the Journal’s Editor, Manuela Pessanha (